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Rotating post assignments


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Male user Squeeze 135 posts

Much of the advantages to static positions depends on the type of supervision your facility employes. Direct supervision is best accomplished with 30 to 60 day assignments with appropriate substitutions. If your facility (I work in a county Jail also) wants the best supervision in the housing units then DS is best as the Officers get to know the inmates in that HU and is best suited to identify problems, kind of that 6th sense thing. Burnout may occur at that 30 day expiration so it depends if you are a bigger city jail or small town jail. Bigger city jails tend to have more jerks but that does not mean smaller jails don’t have theirs.Just a higher concentration of them. We work 8-straight too and it works for us to have assigned positions for 30 days. Then you get a 30 day break as an escort. There are other positions that are assigned as needed. In indirect supervision jails you are usually assigned as needed except a few specialty positions. Remote supervision jails are a toss-up. I don’t know anyone working in a remote supervision jail so mayne some one from a facility like that can pipe in.

Male user Wiseguy 12 posts

Looking for info on post assignements and how different agencies rotate post assignments.

First a little background. I work for a county jail and we work an 8 hour schedule. We tend to work a different post every day of the week except some specialty assignements that work the same post daily. Our administration is wanting to implement a static post assignment for a 30 days at a time.

Consistancy is always important, but it seems like people could get stagnant always working the same post day in and day out.

So I am asking my peers, what are the pro’s and cons from working static post assignments?

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