Homelessness a problem for released offenders?
>> what's your opinion?
Offenders with mental health problems face particular difficulties in finding and keeping accommodation. Research shows that some mentally vulnerable and homeless people get trapped in a “revolving door” – a cyclical pattern of recurring homelessness, hospital admissions, arrests and possible imprisonment...
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Tales From the Local Jail: ‘They Don’t Just Sit Around’

It’s interesting what you read in the local newspaper about your local jail. There are stories about escapes, contraband, and unfortunately at times-inmate suicides and sexual misconduct involving staff and inmates. But, once in a while you read a comment-though well meaning-that is inaccurate. In a way it shows what the good citizens do not know about our local jails. I am not in any way calling our citizens ignorant. They do pay our salary, but at times appear misinformed. All they may know about the jail in their community is based on what they see on the news, or what they see in the movies or on a television show. .. read full story
Also this week:
- May - Crisis & High Risk Offenders - Coverage of industry crises & high risk offenders editor@corrections.com
Featured Job
Correctional Officer
The Correctional Officer is responsible under the direction and control of the Shift Supervisor, to maintain care and custody of inmates; to maintain proper order and decorum among inmates; to search inmates periodically and prior to escort; to ensure inmates follow proper procedures as to personal hygiene; to ensure that the living quarters of inmates and the areas for which they are responsible are kept in a sanitary and wholesome condition; to issue supplies to inmates... >> view full job posting
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Business News
- GTL Houston Expansion Project Reflects Continued Commitment to Best-in-Class Data Center Infrastructure
- Orange County, California Awards ITS Contract to GTL
- Assessing whether an electronic monitoring program is right for you
- GTL Sets Annual Record for Visitation Management: Leads Industry in Combining In-Person and Video Visitation Technology
- Securus Technologies Commits To Five (5) Year Funding For Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) and Exclusive Agreement to Jointly Offer PEP to Prison and Jail Facilities Nationwide
- Now Available: Securus' Investigator Pro™ with Searchable Voice Capability
- Industry Veteran Joins GTL as Executive Vice President of National Sales Team
- GTL Video Visitation Technology Provides Friends and Family Increased Frequency of Contact with Incarcerated Loved Ones
- Flex Link Receives Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Component Recognition
- ConnectNetwork® Expands User Experience with New Photo Messaging Feature for Mobile Devices
- NaphCare is Off to a Great Start Providing Healhcare in the Fulton County Jails
With the coming of spring, I am calm again.
- Gustav Mahler